Southwest High School
Class of 1967
75th Birthday Party
Details for the 75th Birthday Party
The 75th BD Party will be a weekend event starting Friday 23 August and ending Sunday 25 August, 2024. There are 5 sponsered events as follows:
1- Friday August 23- 11AM
Scramble golf tournament at Dwan Golf Course
3301 W 110th Street Bloomington,MN 55431
2- Friday August 23- 3PM
Walk around Lake Harriet. Meet at the band Pavillion at 3PM. There will be
a purple and a white balloon held by Alan Thiel to designate the meeting point.
If you park up 42nd street or Queen Ave. the parking is free. There is a fee if you
park in the main lot. The group that shows up will be divided into 2 groups. There
will be a predetermined time it takes to walk around the lake(2.9 miles). This is like
a sportscar rally. The winning team will be reckonized at the BD party on Saturday.
3-Friday August 23-7PM
Happy Hour at Bunny's in St Louis Park. We could not reserve so try to find seats together as you can.
5916 Excelsior Blvd St Louis Park, MN 55416
4-Saturday August 24- 1-4PM
This is the main event:Park Tavern-3401 Louisiana Ave S, St Louis Park 55426.
You will have to pay for your own food and drink(tip will be added to your tab)
so don't over pay. There will be a short presentation at 2PM to award winning
golf team and walk team, announcements and a drawing. Class will provide
a cake after the meeting to celebrate our endurance of 75 years.
5-Sunday August 25- 1-4PM
Concluding the weekend will be a picnic at Beard's Plaisance
46-45th St on Upton Ave So. The class has reserved the site and will provide
soda, water, ice, plastic ware, napkins, plastic cups and CD player with tapes.
Each person will have to bring their own food. Anyone that would like to bring
chips, snacks or deserts to share would be appreciated.
People who have signed up for the BD Party
1-Dave Boe,2-Tom Ahr, 3-Mike Carroll, 4-Kathy Cude, 5-Marsha Engle,
6-Kevin Faus, 7-Bob Fine, 8-Barb Fink, 9-Julie French, 10-Terrie Gorrie,
11-Sandy Grossman, 12-Greg Hawks,13-Tom Holland, 14-Terry Howg,
15-Beth Johnson, 16-John Joyce, 17-Bunter Knowles, 18-John Long,
19-Larry Molstad, 20-Jill Muralt, 21-Thom Peterson, 22-Con Saltzman,
23-Holly Schultheis, 24-Jan Storlie, 25-Paul Thomas, 26-John Zastrow,
27-Barb Trebisovsky, 28-Linda Williams, 29-Holly Eliason, 30-Holly's
husband, 31-Tracy Hall, 32-Terri Hall, 33-Mary Drewitz, 34-Jeff Brown,
35-Jon Gurban, 36-Kreg Kapitan, 37-Bill Coppage, 38-Sandy Nelson,
39-Dave Friedman, 40-Sue Friedman, 41-Mary Eichhorn, 42-Georgia Smith,
43-Becky Prentis, 44-Rick Lind, 45-Mark Jaffee, 46-Tim Stanko, 47- Mark Frederickson