Southwest High School
Class of 1967
Privacy and Security
Can anyone view my Classmates' Profile?
Your personal profile is always viewable to classmates logged in to southwest67mn. Your personal profile is not viewable to anyone that is not logged in provided that you have checked the Profile Visibility box located near the bottom of your personal profile page.
If you have checked it, then anyone not logged in who clicks on your name will see the message "Sorry, you must be logged in as a class member to view this Profile".
Checking the Profile Visibility box allows only your fellow classmates to view your profile details. Checking this box blocks the general public and search engines from accessing your profile details. However, if you want others, friends, family, etc. to be able to view your profile page, then you have the option to leave the box unchecked.
Can anyone view my personal Information?
Your personal e-mail addresses, mailing addresses, and telephone numbers are completely protected and not visible to the public, and not findable or indexable by search engines.
Can anyone view my mailing address and telephone number?
Your mailing address and telephone number information is protected, and not visible to anyone not logged in.
Your mailing address and telephone number information will be invisible to your classmates unless you check the Contact Details checkbox located at the bottom of your personal profile page.
Can people find my southwest67mn profile pages by searching Google, Yahoo, or other major search engines?
Your profile page is fully indexable by major search engines, but you have the ability to permit viewing of your profile only to fellow registered classmates. If your profile information has been restricted to only fellow classmates, then search engines can not get into this information and index it, nor can any non-registered classmates get in. Your public profile is findable by the search engines when no restrictions have been set by you. This is the same information that anybody can see simply by visiting your web site unless you have restricted your profile viewing to only your fellow Classmates.
To test this capability, go the southwest67mn web site, do not log in, find your name on the Classmates Profiles page, and click on it. If you are already logged in, be sure that you log out before you try this. Navigating away from the web site does not log you out, and you will still see member links on the left side of the home page if you are already logged in.
Can people see my e-mail address?
Your e-mail addresses are never visible: Not to the pubic, not to search engines, and not even to your logged-in classmates.
Anyone can still send an e-mail to you by filling out the contact form at the bottom of your profile page. This allows open communication between you and your classmates, while protecting classmates' personal information. The return e-mail address is always a southwest67mn web site-generated address, so you cannot see your classmates actual e-mail address.
Anyone not logged in will not be able to send you e-mails if you have restricted your profile information to logged-in classmates only.
Will there be advertising and/or solicitations sent to my e-mail address, or appear on the southwest67mn web site?
Apart from group e-mails sent by the Southwest67 reunion committee, or other official business of the class, advertising and/or solicitations will not be sent to your e-mail address, nor will they appear on the web site.
There are two automated reminder messages that will be sent to your e-mail address: (1) A reminder to update your profile will be sent to your e-mail address if your profile has not been updated in more than 6 months
(2) A New Year's Day reminder is sent to your e-mail address suggesting that the start of the new year is a good time to update your profile. (The web host controls these - we cannot change it.)
Group e-mails to the entire class can only be sent by a site administrator, typically a member of the reunion committee or someone from the class who has volunteered to help in the administration of the site.
All e-mails to the southwest67mn site administrator are sent to:
Who is the web host for the southwest67mn web site?
The web site was constructed by class members on a web host owned and operated by ClassCreators. For more information, you can go to the web site address of Class Creators:, and select the FAQ tab.
The web host for the southwest67mn web site does not allow advertising on the site. It is strictly against their policy. If you see a popup ad, the ad has nothing to do with the Class Creator system. However, your computer may be infected with some type of "spyware" that launches these ads while browsing your class web site.
If you need help solving issues like this, there are many tools online that will scan your computer for free and reveal if there are any problems plaguing your system. Spyware is widespread.
You can have full assurance that Class Creator does not, and will not in the future place any advertising or pop up ads on your class web site.